my guess is that you landed here because you are ready to make the next Great Leap...
and you know that by joining hands with other Sisters
not only will your journey Deepen...
it will be so much more fun!
you have heard the call to Play
to Dance
to Weave
to Celebrate
your time here on this Plane...
AND to go DEEP as you do...
you know that leaning into Joy will only fan the Fire...
the Passion you hold within you
that wants to Express out into this World unfiltered...

you know it is time to see life as it truly is—
freeing yourself of all of the rules you have been fed...
the limits imposed...
you know that one rule you can live by
is that if you are walking towards Freedom...
you are walking your way back Home...

that's perfect and beautiful...
for I am here
because I have come to recognize
that the rules I live by are too small for me now
I have grown past them...
and I am never going to stop growing...
Life is our opportunity to Rise!
and the WisomPortals have landed here to offer us support as we do...
as we Rewild ourselves
learn to fully LIVE again
to breathe a Full Breath
to Sing...

What I love about the WisdomPortals is that they hold out the Possibilities
that exist just beyond our view...
beyond what we can imagine life to be...
they ask Questions and
Open Spaces within us that bring us closer to the Mountaintop
—and they lift us up higher and higher as we learn to lean in...
as a multi-dimensional space so much of what lives here
exists beyond language...
in the Infinite
and with the Dynamism that exists here
putting words to this Sacred PlaySpace feels a little like trying to capture Wind itself....
the Portals are here to help us to See...
to Question...
to Reimagine...
and to Wake up those parts of us that have forgotten
what living—living freely and rhythmically—
is all about...
❖❖ through some of this...
join me over on Instagram or Facebook
so you can have a listen to some of the Wisdom from the Woods...
and see if this space feels as alive for you as it does for me...

if it does...
we should Hop on a Call together...
because there is so much to feel get the Essence of...

what we know to be true

we are our own medicine…
it is contained within our hearts…
it always has been…
and when we walk together
hand in hand
we re-member how to thrive again…
as women, as collectives, as humans…
how to walk deep into the shadows
to access the light that shines brightly within each one of us…

we are here to Birth a whole new world…
if you listen closely, you will hear whispers…
“now is the time…now is the time…now is the time…”
time to get Embodied…
time to Gather…
time to Remember how to thrive
it is time to Step in...
Let's circle up and weave TOGETHER…

The Portals Open Pathways of Possibility within us so we can be free...

we know—deep in our hearts—who we truly are...
before we were tamed...
when we were allowed to run Free and to be Wild...
the WisdomPortals point us in this direction...
towards Liberation...Grace...Unity
and from here...
into Connection beyond our wildest dreams
and a Space that is Alive can help deliver us there...
these Portals are living, growing, ever-deepening Fields of Wisdom held out to us...
a Divine gift from the Forest...
—think Spirit as Forest—

and because they live and breathe and grow with us—within us—
the aha moments are strung together one after the other after the other
so alchemizing that we can almost see ourselves blossoming
all you need to pack for this journey is earnest curiosity and a vast sense of wonder
if you are comfortable in the mystery...
in the not knowing...
you will feel at home here from the moment you step in
if this is a place you don't usually dwell
this is an invitation to take that first leap—
the quiet exhilaration will light you up all the way...
we are eagerly awaiting your arrival
at the edge of the cliff we call the Rewilding
and as we gather for this adventure
more and more Portals reveal their depths...quietly beckoning

are you ready?
take our hands...1...2...3...