my guess is that you landed here because you are ready to make the next Great Leap...
and you know that by joining hands with other Sisters
not only will your journey Deepen...
it will be so much more fun!
you have heard the call to Play
to Dance
to Weave
to Celebrate
your time here on this Plane...
AND to go DEEP as you do...
you know that leaning into Joy will only fan the Fire...
the Passion you hold within you
that wants to Express out into this World unfiltered...
you know it is time to see life as it truly is—
freeing yourself of all of the rules you have been fed...
the limits imposed...
you know that one rule you can live by
is that if you are walking towards Freedom...
you are walking your way back Home...
that's perfect and beautiful...
for I am here
because I have come to recognize
that the rules I live by are too small for me now
I have grown past them...
and I am never going to stop growing...
Life is our opportunity to Rise!
and the WisomPortals have landed here to offer us support as we do...
as we Rewild ourselves
learn to fully LIVE again
to breathe a Full Breath
to Sing...
What I love about the WisdomPortals is that they hold out the Possibilities
that exist just beyond our view...
beyond what we can imagine life to be...
they ask Questions and
Open Spaces within us that bring us closer to the Mountaintop
—and they lift us up higher and higher as we learn to lean in...
as a multi-dimensional space so much of what lives here
exists beyond language...
in the Infinite
and with the Dynamism that exists here
putting words to this Sacred PlaySpace feels a little like trying to capture Wind itself....
the Portals are here to help us to See...
to Question...
to Reimagine...
and to Wake up those parts of us that have forgotten
what living—living freely and rhythmically—
is all about...
so...read through some of this...
join me over on Instagram or Facebook
so you can have a listen to some of the Wisdom from the Woods...
and see if this space feels as alive for you as it does for me...
if it does...
we should Hop on a Call together...
because there is so much to say...to feel into...to get the Essence of...
what we know to be true
we are our own medicine…
it is contained within our hearts…
it always has been…
and when we walk together
hand in hand
we re-member how to thrive again…
as women, as collectives, as humans…
how to walk deep into the shadows
to access the light that shines brightly within each one of us…
we are here to Birth a whole new world…
if you listen closely, you will hear whispers…
“now is the time…now is the time…now is the time…”
time to get Embodied…
time to Gather…
time to Remember how to thrive
it is time to Step in...
Let's circle up and weave TOGETHER…
The Portals Open Pathways of Possibility within us so we can be free...
we know—deep in our hearts—who we truly are...
before we were tamed...
when we were allowed to run Free and to be Wild...
the WisdomPortals point us in this direction...
towards Liberation...Grace...Unity
and from here...
into Connection beyond our wildest dreams
and a Space that is Alive can help deliver us there...
these Portals are living, growing, ever-deepening Fields of Wisdom held out to us...
a Divine gift from the Forest...
—think Spirit as Forest—
and because they live and breathe and grow with us—within us—
the aha moments are strung together one after the other after the other
so alchemizing that we can almost see ourselves blossoming
all you need to pack for this journey is earnest curiosity and a vast sense of wonder
if you are comfortable in the mystery...
in the not knowing...
you will feel at home here from the moment you step in
if this is a place you don't usually dwell
this is an invitation to take that first leap—
the quiet exhilaration will light you up all the way...
we are eagerly awaiting your arrival
at the edge of the cliff we call the Rewilding
and as we gather for this adventure
more and more Portals reveal their depths...quietly beckoning
are you ready?
take our hands...1...2...3...
Getting My Power Back
I didn't know what I didn’t know—until I knew...
I had done all of the things…
the deep nervous system, awareness and body work of Feldenkrais
penetrating energy work
meditation, yoga, Awareness through Movement
journaling, chanting, astrology readings, akashic record readings, soul readings
I worked with gemstones, did Shamanic work, received acupuncture...
I was on a mission, and I kept peeling back the layers,
time and time again...layer after layer after layer
Death after Death
Rebirth after Rebirth
life was teaching me lessons—
big lessons—important lessons
I was connecting dots...integrating what I had learned
delving deeper and deeper and deeper again
and still...I felt tension in my body and still...I knew I was holding myself away
I felt vulnerable and tender and like no one truly got me
—but the truth was—I didn’t really get myself!
I couldn’t...I didn’t have all of the pieces.
I had been working with my abandonment issues, my adoption for over a decade.
and yes, I had made great progress!
I had been welcomed to Earth at the age of 48!
Finally! Ahhhh!
I had come to understand in a very real sense that even when I felt alone
I was deeply held
I learned to rest into my Divine Team
I learned to ask for help
I learned to receive...(a big one for so many of us)
SO much progress, and yet there was something I could not see
there was a missing piece...
It is absolutely true that you don’t know what you don’t know
…until you know.
And in the moment of that revelation, worlds are changed
I didn’t know that I had been sexually abused as a young child
...until I knew...
how could that even be possible?
how could I have repressed all of those memories?
and yet...it was undeniable...
sometimes the smell of alcohol would trigger a memory
sometimes it was a vision
and once, it was a visit from a loved one on her way out of this world...
confirming what I already knew
the pieces collected...allowing me to see just enough to know what had been done
the trauma they had created in my system was so real—
absolutely undeniable—
and even as I sit here writing these words
tears fill my eyes
and I feel my little girl sadness that is working its way out
bit by bit
It is a process.
it has taken years to get here to this point where I can speak this truth into the world
first, I had to find the courage to speak it to the ones I love
—the ones who I needed to know would love me—no matter what
words were hard...they made it way TOO real
And yet...
in that moment
when I decided that I could no longer keep this secret...
The empowerment I felt when I knew I would speak this into the wider world was unmistakable
I had never in this lifetime felt the Roar that was rising inside of me!
There was a powerful voice rising from deep within my belly
it was STRONG and it was LOUD
it was the EMBODIED ROAR that I have been moving towards for a lifetime
it was hard
it was really hard
and yet...I would do it again...
because to me, it is all about plumbing the depths
getting to the truth
and living and radiating my truth
out into the world
As the depths of my heartspace cracked open...
so did the Portals!
and from these wisdomspaces I have come into full bloom
I now embody my power
I now sing out my song with ease and grace
—and I walk through life in aligned action—
Join Our Community
The Portals are Forever Deepening...
The WisdomPortals are constantly extending invitations...
Towards Liberation
Divine Mind
Deep Presence
and on and on and on
And as we shift and grow
—transforming and recalibrating—
the Portals deepen in response...
Our time here on Earth feels like a Continuous Dance...
Divinely Timed and Rhythmic
very much Alive
with possibility
such a beautifully intimate question
the answers only found Deep Within your Body, your Cells, your Heart
and if you can learn your own Soul Language
you can grow past your limitations
opening up a whole new ecosystem within you...
It is SO Enlivening...so Thrilling!
The WisdomPortals open up within you, unlocking doorway after doorway
until you have reached the inner sanctum of your Heart Center
where you can see, hear, touch your inner landscape
so you can learn to cultivate your own inner world
as only YOU can do
so you can
move far beyond living...
You can THRIVE!
So you can Feel Empowered
So you can Express Yourself Fully...Hold Nothing Back
These Portals take you deep into your body
deep into your brainspace
deep into your Wombspace
deep into your Heart Center
because you must know yourself deeply before you can transform the world around you
✦ We transform our world through transforming ourselves ✦
and so...
you Listen deeply to what is already present
to what sits along your pathways
And so that you can Listen...you get quiet...on the inside
quieting your body
quieting your mindspace
you learn to cultivate your own thoughts...
What would it be like to CHOOSE your own thoughts?
What would it feel like to understand that all of the information you need to thrive is right there in your Body?
What would it look like to know your Inner World as clearly as your outer world?
And how would your world shift if you came to understand and live your Purpose...holding nothing back?
We will never stop Diving in
because there is always more Wisdom to glean...
we Gather here
because Gathering exponentiates
because Gathering Connects us All at a deeper level
because at the center of it all sit
and from there...
we can dream a whole new world into view
Navigating this Sacred Space...
The Inner Compass of this Space always points toward Freedom...
And the Portals light up in response...
Sometimes we require Stillness...
and so the Transmission of "The Quieting" will permeate our Space
slowing everything down
so we can feel Resourced and Held
Sometimes we will feel the need to MOVE...
to Explore...
to find our Freedom by moving our Bodies
and the Portal of the Cosmic Dance will light the way so that
we can find what is wanting Expression from the DEEP...
and we will give it room to Express...
++Together ++
and sometimes we will feel the call to Dive Deep into Mystery...
where new possibilities are revealed
where we can Rewild
Be fed
this a Gift...this Sacred PlaySpace we get to play in
—here we get to Co-Create—
and just like Harold and the Purple Crayon...
we get to Draw into Being exactly what we need...
right as we need it
++ Presence ++
and so...
we will keep it free flowing and growing
in response to our desires
it will evolve along with us...
around us...
even from us...
and it will deepen and widen as the Community weaves
As we create the Community
we want to live in here in this Space
we get clear on how to help Reshape the world around us
and so...
we Re-imagine and Re-weave the World out there>>>
Creating Ripples that bring Change...
))) allowing them to echo out into the world (((
Gathering holds within it such great Potential
Join us as we Gather...The Portal Doors will Open on March 16 at 2:30 pm EST
Join us as we Open the WisdomPortals within us...
The Quieting
"Night Flight" By Sean Sweeney
The Transmission here calls itself “the Quieting”...
with good reason
it is the Essence…
the Truth of this deeply held space
the invitation here is to arrive...nestle in under a cozy blanket
and to be held…
so deeply held that the transmission
—and the potent nourishment it holds—can do its work…
thawing what is frozen in your system
warming all of the places you hold yourself away...
so you can explore—get curious about—all of your internal spaces…
learn the landscape of your body from the inside
moving out what no longer serves you…
regulating your nervous system
quieting your mind
and opening up your HeartSpace layer after layer after layer…
It takes great courage to hold a candle and walk into the unexplored corners
and yet that is where the Gold is…
that is where true healing lies…
The Rewilding
There has been a greening in the Forest here over the past 5 years—
the forest floor blooms into a blanket of green in the summertime...
it is beautiful

Earthmother has been busy Rewilding...
perhaps you have seen evidence of this
—in your own backyard...
in truth...She is holding up a mirror for us—
showing us what we are in the process of undertaking on the inside...
this change in the frequency of the Earthmother's field is upleveling us all...
consciously or unconsciously
so let's consciously choose this for ourselves...
...for when we lean into this ReWilding
we join the Earthmother in embracing a Rebirth unlike any we have known
...some will plant seeds of resistance for sure...
in this WisdomSpace, we plant seeds of another kind—
Seeds to Regrow ourselves
Seeds to Reknow ourselves
Seeds to Rewild ourselves...
into the Powerful Beings we have always been
and from that place...we can embody the frequency
of a World Made New
the Calling is to Gather to do this work...
for together we can hold more...weave more...
create a greater Ripple moving out into the world...
the Priestesses are Gathering
Join us!
other ways
we weave
Private Sessions
In-Person and Remote Multi-Dimensional Healing Sessions
these Multi-Dimensional sessions are about peeling back the layers—
to reveal the Truth of who you are...
—clearing what is obscuring you—
...de-triggering what is pulling you off center...
and dissolving the barriers that used to protect you
and that now simply hide you away…
If these sessions could speak, they would say,
“It is time to be seen..."
"It is time to be heard...”
here we align to the WisdomPortals
...opening up to their deep Wisdom…
receiving such profound nourishment and support
that we can Surrender
—making it possible to finally go there—
within this Sacredly held Space,
it becomes possible to allow yourself to become gooey—
to let the old brittle structures and beliefs
break down...crumble...dissolve...
so that you can Transform…Transmute...Break Through
and through this process
you reclaim both your VOICE and your CHOICE—
—and that changes EVERYTHING—
about the world inside you
AND the way you travel through the Outer World
you may soon find yourself attracting what truly Delights you…
what Lights you up…
timed exactly as it should be...Divinely!
the Synchronicities that bring Magic and Joy stream in…
for when your heart is clear...
everything gains Clarity...
and a bit of Shimmer!
my vision for you...
is that once you have moved through this alchemical transformation
you will walk right out into the world
creating more and more beauty everywhere you go...
these sessions can be accessed in 2 different ways…
via Zoom or in-person in Canton or Norfolk, Connecticut
AND coming soon…
⭐︎ super excited about this ⭐︎
you will be able to receive these as Treehouse Healings...
in a TREEHOUSE deep in the WisdomForest...
the WisdomPortals are already preparing the Energetics for this...
((( full body chills )))
I will let you know when this is fully hatched...:)
Women in the Woods
Women in the Woods is a passion project of mine offered right here
in Northwest Connecticut...
an opportunity to walk through this Wisdom Forest
to steep in the WisdomPortals for yourself....
the Fields of Energy are so POTENT here...It is all about Women gathering...
Re-Membering their innate healing abilities and capacities
so they can walk through life feeling fully Resourced, Empowered, and Aligned...If you would like to read more about this, click on the button below to be lifted over to the Women in the Woods site
Welcome to "The Quieting"

The whole point these days is to dive into the Sacred PlaySpaces
that shift and grow with you
...and even then...
it is to transcend the need for any structure at all...
it has always been Nourishing
to Gather with Groups of Women in Sacred Spaces—
...and now the invitation is into Free Form…
yet first…
first you learn what to look for…
you are guided through the process
and in essence,
you learn how to access the gifts of being in a Body
...you learn the language of your own body
—Unique and Beautiful—
and once you are fluent in this language
you transcend any need for structure...for a modality...
as you come to Claim your own Creative Power
and you understand how it is that you co-create your own world...
...rather than feeling limited by the circumstances of your life
you suddenly see the Infinite Possibilities and...
you are set Free...
there’s so much to be learned in this Sacred PlaySpace...
for within this Sacred Space sit Infinite Portals—
the Portal of Timelessness
the Portal of Acceptance
the Portal of Wholeness
the Portal of Liberation
—to name but a few—
so many vantage points to explore from...
so many Gifts...

the vastness of this Space means
there are no edges here—
no walls to bump into
no limitations...
in fact...
we move in the opposite direction here...
removing the walls...the boulders...the armor...
here in "the Quieting" space
the Portals begin to Weave together as you make room for them
they extend ever Deepening Invitations
now...and now...and now...
so you can KNOW how Powerful you really are
and how much Wisdom your body holds
and to bring you closer and closer to the Center of your HeartSpace
...as a way into the Infinite...
the mantra of this WisdomSpace is
ease and grace
ease and grace
ease and grace
and so you lean into your Growth...
the Details then…
What is there to Calendar?
Deep Dives into the WisdomPortals...2xs permonth...(ish)...meaning when we want to play more, we will...(all sessions recorded and easily accessible)
Wisdom Stream Sessions...We will come together at least once a month…and more as we want…to discuss what is moving, delve into our experiences, and to have room to ask questions and reflect...
Live Stream in-the-moment sessions to share any insights that are bubbling up from the WIsdomPortals that feel really ripe to share…
Day to day, we will “gather” in the BAND Space to open up questions as things come to the surface to be seen…a place to feel what is moving for the Community and to gather insights…
And…you can dip into contemplations and resources made specifically for the WisdomPortals Community. All of this will be as Dynamic as the Space itself —timely and very much alive...
This is all loosely held…
because the truth is...
❖ we are invested in creating a Space
that serves the Community of Women who gather ❖
—not the other way around—
—and so...this Community Space will be as Dynamic as we all are—
embodying what we each require to live and grow and THRIVE...
The WisdomPortals Community runs as a monthly membershipThe cost is $44 monthly
$244 for 6 months
$444 for 12 monthsThe Portal Doors will Open on March 16 at 2:30 pm EST
Join us as we Open the WisdomPortals within us...
Welcome to The Rewilding
While The Quieting is a Space of Individual Reclamation
the Rewilding PlaySpace zooms out...

the depth of this Wisdom PlaySpace will only be revealed once we gather...
in the meantime...you can catch glimpses of its Essence—
the names of the Portals here speak themselves out
with only a whisper of what each one holds...
the Portal of Infinite Spirituality
the Portal of the Cosmic Dance
the Portal of Universal Love
the Portal of Unity
to name but a few...
yet how can we expect them to reveal their secrets
when the invitation is to circle up, hold hands, and leap into Mystery...
into the Great Unknown...
in a moment we will take a few peeks inside...
before we do...let's be clear—
we have now Transcended the need for structure
and seek Wide Open Spaces to explore...
and we understand the Power of doing this in Community with others
....that this is how we begin to co-create a whole new world!
the Rewilding reminds me of Skydiving...
the exhilaration...the permagrin...the spaciousness
...you are still lifted by the plane and flown to the drop zone
and yet...when you are ready to jump...
you jump
and once you do...
you pull your own toggles to steer
with your fellow skydivers right there beside you...
it is the best of both worlds...
Delving Deep into Mystery...together...
the Portals offer us Infinite Possibilities to support our Involution...
as we uplevel...they will meet us with new invitations,
New spaces will open...Old ones will shift
all within a Wilderness Space filled with Curiosity and Wonder
...and Deep Deep Wisdom
within a Community
—a Sisterhood—
a Gathering of Sacred Visionaries
Let's take a few peeks inside...
How Beautifully the Portals Weave
it will be a Ride
it will be Wild
it will exist beyond language...
this Sacred Playspace revolves around...
and exploration
and blurring...reshaping...retexturing
the very edges of our world
it is Beyond Exciting
there is SO much opening towards Mystery here...
so much up for Re-Invention!
yet the feel is so familiar...
we have played in these Sacred PlaySpaces before
if this sounds exhilarating...freeing...filled with potential...
and you need to know more...
let's hop on a call together
You can sign up for a 20-minute chat HERE
AND if you are Totally Lit Up and Ready to Join The WisdomPortals Community...
you can do that here ↓
we run as a monthy membership...
Your Choice: $44 monthly
$244 for 6 months
$444 for 12 monthsThe Portal Doors will Open on March 16 at 2:30 pm EST
Join us as we Open the WisdomPortals within us...
Channeled WISDOM for our time
Client Reflections

it seems much simpler to allow those who have shared this Space with me to speak from their own experience…“As the transmission of The Quieting was directed to different parts of my body, I felt those parts be able to allow in more relaxation. As the intention shifted, those parts were able to loosen, open, and allow peace to come in.
It felt like where I was holding something, like a stuck emotion, that it would eventually move through and I was left with pure peace. It was a heavenly floaty feeling with no stress, anxiety or tension. It was magical.”– Bethany Puetz❖❖❖“This iteration of your healing work is deep!!! And it has woven a thread in my days that holds the consistency of sinew rather than yarn. I am brought back to myself time and time again, to go forward softly, lighter, to observe more and react less, to listen more deeply to where life lands in my body and just breathe and be.In some ways this life is such a cosmic joke, but we’re so tangled in the tinsel all the time, we don’t even realize that is all outside of us, and inside is where the cosmos swirl and The Quieting is a secret doorway back inside. It’s total brilliance!“– Krista Hendrickson❖❖❖"Immediately after the session started, I could feel my energy start to settle and relax which was so lovely, with some mild emotion since it was such a gentle sensation like the kind hand of a mum saying everything would be ok. By the end of the session I was lost for words since I was so in my body and felt so rested and there really was nothing to say more than Thank You. I went to bed straight after and conked out for an hour…..how lovely!"– Tracy Shefras
Videos from the Portals
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