Frequently Asked Questions

Click on each question below to reveal the answer.

What is the difference between a remote healing session and an in-person session? Is one better than the other?

The appeal of a remote healing session is that you build a nest in your very own home and receive exactly what you need in your very own space. Two things there…the healing is emanating out into your own personal space, AND you are carving out a space in your own home where you can receive healing. (Later this will include self-healing as well!!) It is POWERFUL healing, nothing lost in the distance as everything is happening everywhere at once, but we don’t really need to go down that rabbit hole right now. So I will just say this…if having Feldenkrais present as part of your session is important for your personal healing, in-person is the way to go. And for everyone else, try both and choose if you aren’t familiar. Come meet me and get comfortable and then schedule a remote session. Totally up to you! You get exactly the healing you need either way.

What are codes?

Codes are capsules of information in the form of energy patterns and transmissions. They are akin to being told an entire story in a single word. They are densely packed with information that becomes instantly available to you. Complete Thoughtforms! This information can fall under the category of what we need to know now in order to fulfill the tasks we came here to fulfill. We collect codes from people in our lives, from nature, from certain pieces of artwork, poetry, songs, as well as the stars, planets and right now, more and more solar flares. In other words, codes are everywhere! AND they become more accessible to us as we open ourselves up through our healing processes. Along with the natural acceleration we can feel in our everyday lives, the Wisdom Portals allow us even greater access to the codes we need to activate us and point us to our Soul purpose without having to spend decades in meditation and prayer. Sitting still is no longer the way through. We are now being asked to meet our lives and embrace Spirit in the same moment, in every moment. Codes build our capacity to meet this new ask. The more we allow them to, the more they increase our bandwidth and make it possible for us to become walking activations of Love and Joy in the World!

What is a Wisdom Portal?

For a thorough answer to this question, read HERE.

What if I know this is 100% for me but I cannot afford it?

Write me a letter explaining exactly why you need the healing and what the circumstances are around payment. I will take it from there. It has always been my intention to give healing where it is needed so I do take on clients who are not able to pay in full. However, some payment is ALWAYS required because there is an energy exchange happening in the payment, and that is an important part of the process. Everyone must invest in their own healing. It is genuinely the only way healing works!

What is the difference between a coaching session and a healing session?

The truth is that a Transformational Healing Session can lead to greater clarity and a Clarity Coaching Session can lead into deep healing. They are simply different ways of entering into your system. And wherever we begin, you will receive exactly what you need to move forward differently in your life. If you aren’t sure which one is right for you, please close your eyes and check in with your body. See which one feels more resonant right now. For me, “yes” often feels like an opening or a rising. A “no” often feels like a closing down or a tightening. Remember—your body has all of the answers you need. You simply have to ask the questions and listen.

What is the cancellation policy?

I have a 48 hour cancellation policy so that I have time to offer the slot to someone who needs it. Emergencies are the only exception to this policy. I promise to honor your time. Please honor mine.

What if something comes up between sessions?

Excellent question…Oh, that was mine, wasn’t it? 😉 Things coming up between sessions is literally how coaching sessions were born. You can schedule a coaching session right here. That said, The Phoenix 3-month container provides you with healing sessions, coaching sessions, and check ins. So if you know you will need lots of support in between, this would be the package to look at.

How often do you usually see your clients?

My clients tend to schedule a session every week at first to really get things moving. We are taking a Deep Dive here so good to get in there and get our bearings. That said, the scheduling is up to you. I will certainly let you know what will serve you best and more importantly, you will be able to gauge it for yourself as you begin to track your own integration process.

How long will the process take?

This is a question I get asked all the time. That does not mean I have an answer, or at least not the kind people are looking for. Healing is a process. Miracles can and do happen, AND things can also take a bit of time. Healing is a co-creation. I promise to bring my 100%. If you bring your 100%, we will GET THINGS DONE!!

Do you work with children?

YES! I LOVE working with children! I got started in healing because of my daughter who was born with Down Syndrome. Since then, I have worked with hundreds of children and counting!

Where do you give in-person sessions?

In person sessions are given in New Milford, CT, on Wednesdays and Fridays and in Avon, CT, on Mondays and Thursdays.

Do you ever give a Feldenkrais lesson without incorporating the other modalities?

No. I do not. I have so much to offer, and it is all woven together in whatever way it will best meet your needs. Feldenkrais may be one of the elements, but it will never be the ONLY one I use. Just sayin…would you rely on a single tool to fix your car? And a car is way simpler than a human!