What is SLOW™?

SLOW™️ is a Comprehensive Nervous System Offering with a Giant Sprinkle of MAGIC!

This Powerful and Profound MAGIC is the element that sets this work apart from every other nervous system program out there!

Yes, there is classroom time. And there is a beautifully held space where you can share your experiences and ask questions as we move along. Yet, the bulk of the work here is experiential in nature and radically transformative!

SO… let’s talk Magic and then we will delve into the more 3D aspects of this beautiful offering.

SLOW™ Circles (aka the magical element)

SLOW™ Circles are a chance to sit in community with other women to unwind, unfurl, and to begin to thaw those frozen places. It is truly a sacred experience!

During these Circles, you are invited to sink into a deeply held space, to step through a powerful Energetic Doorway, and to connect with the deep interior spaces where your emotions and memories may have become encapsulated, stuck, or even locked away. Perhaps you even threw away the key to a few of these places a long time ago! And yet, the SLOW™ transmission that runs through this healing space will certainly light the way when you are ready…
During this Sacred Circle, you are guided to listen deeply within your own physical body, so that you can better know the landscape there. As you begin to listen to and get curious about your own energy flows, you will be brought into a deeper space within where you can begin to connect with the emotions that have not been digested and that are still causing disturbances within your systems.
Although we will be exploring these emotions through a Nervous System lens, other systems will, of course, be affected along the way. It may be a physical pain that bubbles up to the surface for digestion or a distant memory may pull at you as you open yourself up to feeling the depth of what is there. Then there are the younger parts of yourself that may need some love–or even a version of you from another lifetime that shows up to be folded back in. The only limits here are the ones we place on ourselves!
Yet, whatever your personal process turns out to be, you will have access to your internal emotional landscape in a way that you may never have before. This is Deeply Embodied energy work. And that is absolutely essential! For years, I had a hard time bridging the realms I was visiting in my energy work with my 3-D reality, because in that work, there was something missing. Embodiment.

Embodiment is an essential piece here.

Without the embodiment, you cannot root this work that you do firmly into your life. And to me, the whole point is to walk this work out of these deeply held spaces and right into your daily life…not three months down the line…but from your very first engagement with it!

I have heard the words, “the time is now” for quite a while. I don’t believe that we need to wait one more second to change our lives–to release the contraction from the physical body so we can live in a more expanded state. So that we can share more of who we truly are with every passing day.
So I offer you this opportunity to gather yourself back. Every single time you visit the SLOW™️ space, you will invite more and more of yourself back in! It is a dazzling offering – and I can say that – because I am quite simply the Tour Guide, the Channeler of this system.

There are reasons we have kept these places hidden away, swept behind us where we could not see them – and there is equally a reason why this Portal has shown up now! Because right now, we must gather ourselves up, fold these fractured parts of ourselves back in– so we can truly live! Live wholly, connecting back into our own unique rhythms. Becoming the fully expressed, empowered beings who are meant to shine as beacons of light on this planet at this time!

And this Portal – this energetic doorway – gives you a way to clear A LOT of debris very quickly, easily, with grace and integrity! Ease and Grace. Ease and Grace. That is my mantra. And that is where we are headed here. We may not always be able to find ease and grace out there…but if we can feed ourselves on a steady diet of it internally, we can become transmissions of it so others can shift around us.

Now…Back to the 3-D Realm!

Awareness Through Movement™ Lessons

These classes are a direct result of the work of Moshe Feldenkrais, an Israeli scientist, who in learning to heal himself founded the Feldenkrais Method of Somatic Education™. This work is the physical component that directly matches up with the SLOW™ Circle—two puzzle pieces custom-made to fit together.

During these classes, you will engage with the Nervous System through very small, gentle, movements. Each of these lessons is crafted to help you smooth out and reconnect your movement pathways so each movement can be felt from the top of the head to the tips of the fingers and the tips of the toes, clearing any contraction or extraneous effort along the way!
This is another space where we tend towards deep listening and engage with curiosity rather than judgment or frustration. Engaging here allows you to begin to notice how much extraneous effort you are putting into the simplest of daily tasks–things as simple as holding a pen or even standing.
Your Brain is constantly sorting for the easiest way to do things, and Awareness Through Movement™ provides your brain with the ease it is seeking. This means at the end of every session, you will notice profound changes that at first may seem purely physical, and yet soon, you will begin to notice that your thought patterns and even the way you engage with others out in the world begins to shift as well. In short, Movement becomes easier and all else follows!
The truth is that as we age, we tend to hold tension in certain parts of our bodies causing us to develop movement patterns and habits that are not necessarily healthy. At one point in our lives, we may have developed a brilliant strategy to get around some sort of an injury or to get us through a situation safely. Yet, we tend to hold on to these habits even when the danger has passed and they are no longer serving us.
Awareness Through Movement™ gives you an opportunity to reconnect those parts of yourself that have become disconnected, to remap in the brain those parts of you that have fallen off of your brain map entirely, and to learn to MOVE once again with ease and grace.
It simply is not true that you need to lose function as you age. In fact, with this work, people often regain certain functions that they thought were gone forever. In reconnecting our movement so that it travels all the way through our bodies, we give our brains so much food for creating easier patterns that take far less effort.

SLOW™ Circles + Awareness Through Movement =

So, the energetic gathering of yourself in the SLOW™ Circle paired with a more physical gathering of yourself through Awareness through Movement™️ classes is akin to finally finding that key that can open that door you have always wanted to open-–the one that unlocks the deepest chambers of your Heart Center, so you can live as a full expression of who you truly are-–right here, right now!

AND Collective healing exponentiates as does joining a community that powerfully supports your healing journey. This work is highly creative! Integrative! And comprehensive! It is about experiencing, not analyzing, and getting lost in the pages of a book, or the phrases of a lecture. YOU are at the Center of all of the work we do here!

What is included in SLOW™?

10 SLOW™ sessions for each of the 3 months.

Attend a few or attend all! This is a LIVE gathering and an Essential piece of the puzzle.

2-3 Awareness Through Movement Lessons for each of the 3 months.

These classes will be taught live and recorded so you can work with segments of them throughout the month as you choose.

2 Nervous System Classes a week for 12 weeks.

These classes will support and connect all of the other structures of SLOW™ making sure that you have the tools that you need to become your own best healer. These will be recorded and yet, engaging live is greatly encouraged as you will have the opportunity to ask questions and occasionally work with a small group when it feels aligned to do so.

1 Q & A Session per month for those who would like to share their experiences and ask questions related to the work we are engaging with. These sessions will be recorded.

Written resources to delve deeper into some of the concepts engaged with during Class and to speak to some of what is being experienced within the SLOW™ Space.

Last and certainly not at all beside the point, you will be energetically held during the entire 3-month period.

This means you will be invited to rest into the holding of SLOW™ bringing a depth to the healing that would not otherwise be possible! It also means that this healing can happen gently and organically as you sleep each night and guide you through every day.

Benefits of SLOW™ (the short list!)

Find your own unique rhythm again!

Heal quickly and easefully!

Gather more and more of yourself back with every single session!

Discover healthy ways to turn towards your trapped emotions, so they can be felt in one moment and digested in the next.

Come back into balance!

Become embodied.

Find out what true safety feels like.

Make your body the safe space you have always needed!

Begin to use the greatest tool you have been given – your physical body – to heal your deepest, emotional woundings.

Come into full bloom!

Fold the younger parts of yourself back in so you can begin to feel like an adult – all grown up – rather than a child in a grown-up body!

Open wide your heart center and begin to meet life in a whole new way.

Gain the understanding and fill up the toolbox with everything you need to walk all of this out into your life easily and quickly.

Reconnect and remap your physical body so that you move (and live) with far more ease and grace.

Reduce pain and stress on your physical body.

Creating new neural pathways in your brain. Who doesn’t want more brain health!

Create healthy habits to support your nervous system and every aspect of your life.


A more regulated Nervous System and tools to keep going…

A clear sense of authenticity and alignment that help you to meet your life and everybody in it differently.

A deep recognition that you are being lovingly held through every aspect of your journey.

Sitting in the driver’s seat of your life… For perhaps the first time.

Deep healing that ripples out into every relationship you choose to engage in.

A sense of expansion that comes from recognizing and unhooking from self- limiting beliefs.

A freedom that comes from healing some of your deepest traumas and woundings.

The tools to bring yourself back into balance when you find yourself off kilter.

An understanding of how to work with the Moon Cycles for your own personal healing and transformation.

A clear sense of embodiment, and the empowerment that comes with it.

Clearing of ancestral patterning for you, your children, and generations to come.

Balancing and weaving together of the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine within you bringing you into a Sacred Unity you have not experienced before in this lifetime.

The choice to engage in Heart- First intentional Living, leading with Love and Compassion, Gratitude and Connection.

Gaining an understanding of your personal patterning, and how you can continue to work with it.

Empowerment to share who you truly are with the world!

A deeper knowingness of who you are and why you chose to incarnate now.

A remembrance of who you truly are beyond your programming and experience in this lifetime.

Reignition of the fire within you.

A thawing out of places you have felt frozen and an overall softening as your defenses begin to crumble.

A forever transformation.

The deep peace of coming home to yourself.

More access to all of the WHEEEEEEEs of life: JOY and WONDER, LOVE and CURIOSITY!

If you are ready for a major shift, feel called to do some DEEP Soul Work AND KNOW you are here for a higher purpose and need some help figuring out what that is, book a Discovery Call with me.

“Lynn has brought me back to life.”

– Allison C.

“Lynn has such a kind and gentle way about her. It is evident that her work is her calling and she deeply cares for her clients.”

– Joyce Southard

“Lynn is the real deal. Both my wife and I have gone to her classes and done several private sessions. She barely makes contact, but it has a big effect. In Tai Chi there is a saying ‘4 oz. moves 1000 lbs.’ She might only need 3.”

– Harry Sweet